Part of the 60 Second Snippet series.
It’s been such a busy week with clients, I missed my deadline and so apologies for those of you that were sat waiting for this weeks 60 Second Snippet.
I sat with a new client this week who was struggling with her mojo. She had lost her confidence and was caught in a tail spin. She had asked for my support. As part of the process to de-construct what she was doing before re-building, I asked a simple question…
“Why are you building this business and what do you want to put fire in your belly every day?”
Virtually before I had a chance to finish the question, she answered. “Money! I am building this business because I need money.” Large breath Gary, stop rolling your eyes Gary…
That is the wrong answer of course.
It is true that for most, a business has to generate money. Either to invest, to save or to draw. But it cannot and should never be the main reason. Because, if you are building a business for money only, you will never have enough and then you’ll lose your mojo pretty quickly.
You have to be dialled into your purpose. The very reason that you started the business in the first place. To serve a community. To make a difference. To develop a legacy and so on — you get the picture.
We spent a large part of our time together to understand what her purpose actually was and what put fire in her belly daily.
If you understand this and you can build a business that allows you to do this, you will want to deliver a greater impact and your mojo will be fired up to do this. If you have your business model and pricing strategy sorted, the money will follow. It always does.
When I am business planning with clients, we start with purpose as any business has to allow the business owner to achieve theirs.
A client once said “That is that hardest question I have ever had to answer!”
There are five elements to purpose of which passion is one and financial rewards is another. You can see the others here and get my summary of what each are and why they are important, as well as start to flesh your own out and get started.
Make sure your business is igniting your fire every day, because if it isn’t you are in danger of building the wrong business.
If it is, the money (and freedom) should follow.
Originally published at on July 22, 2022.